Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Date 2 - The Stalker -For the Mouse

Date 2 looked like it might have a lot more potential than date one. He was pretty good looking, muscular, and most of all, he met my single number 1 dating criteria.
I will not date men under 6 feet tall. Even 6 feet is squeaking it in, but they must at least hit that mark.
There is a simple reason for this.
I am almost 5'9" myself, and when I put on heels, I don't want to be taller than my date.
I know that may sound shallow, but I rarely get to feel delicate at my height, and a man who is 6'3" can do that for me in a way one who is 5'8" cannot. Plus, I am big on symmetry and it just looks odd to see a woman taller than her man. Maybe that sounds old fashioned, but hey, it's my damn rule.
So we did my what I have come to call my 5 emails and 3 phone calls before we meet.
We decide to go for a Hot Chocolate at Tim Hortons (which will mean very little to my American friends, but I guess think Dunkin' Donuts.) Tim's was started by a hockey player (of course) and some people swear by their coffee. We even have a Timmy's in Kandahar I believe.
We get to Timmy's (where I pay for my own Hot Chocolate, by the way) which should have been a sign, but hell, it's only a Hot Chocolate, right?
The conversation seems to be moving along quite well, we have quite a few things in common, but I just know that there is never going to be anything between us. Of course I can just tell because I'm getting that vibe but I think that perhaps I may at the very least make a new friend. (Why do I continue think think this? It's not as though I'm really an optimist)but the conversation is at least more than mildly interesting.
It wasn't too coolish night, so we decided to go for a walk in the neighbourhood.
Here is where I made my big mistake.
I brought him to my apartment.
I know, I know, I know!!
This is breaking my basic number 1 rule, and I wonder now what was going on in my head at the time, but I have to admit I was enjoying his conversation, and he was a great listener. Nothing is better than a man who will let you talk about yourself for a few good hours.
We sit down on the couch and sit and talk some more, at which point I am starting to get a weird vibe. I can tell that he wants to get physical with me.
He probably just wanted to kiss me, but this was waayyy too far into my space which I had managed to keep almost comfortable for me by sitting at the very end of the couch and forcing him to the other end of the couch. This was still a little close, but I wasn't getting any warning signs until I could tell he was trying to move closer, looking for that kiss.
There was no way that was going to happen, so I wrapped the evening up rapidly with a yawn, and sent him on his way.
At the door I gave him the ass out hug letting him know that my space was feeling invaded, but that I had at least enjoyed myself enough to have minimal physical contact.
Rule #2 broken.
Again I got the feeling that he wanted to kiss me so I said good night and told him I would call him soonish.
I didn't get the chance to wait a few days to call him.
He called the next day.
Not too weird, but still a little quick I thought.
I talked to him for about 10 minutes, and then cut the conversation off.
He called the next day.
Now I am starting to get slightly miffed.
Not scared or uncomfortable yet, but mildly annoyed.
And then he called the next day.
And the next.
And the next.
I finally tell him in a polite manner that I think that he is pushing a little too hard and that there are very few people I talk to every day and my space is now definitely invaded.
I try to be polite.
I try not to hurt his feelings.
I try to let him know that I am now starting to get annoyed.
When he calls the next 5 times, I don't answer the phone.
My friend Jen tells me to tell him to fuck off.
My therapist tells me to try to tell him again that he is in my space and that this is just not going to work.
That there is not even a chance for a real friendship now.
I go the therapist route, but this guy is still not getting it.
I don't know what to do at this point. Do I change my phone number? Do I go Jen's route? Because this guy is just not understanding what I am trying to lay down for him either with words or by ignoring his calls.
I finally decide that I will email him as nothing else seems to work.
I know this seems rather chicken shittish, but nothing else has worked up until now.
I write in the email that I am just not in the right head space to give him any time. I basically take it on myself, saying that between my health and my new job that I just have nothing to give to him or to anyone else right now.
I make it look like I am the big, bad, bitch.
I apologise, wish him well, tell him he is a nice guy and I hope he finds what he is looking for.
His response?
Ya K.
Just like that.
I don't even get a sentence for my troubles. I get text talk.
This guy who has managed to annoy me, bother me and finally piss me off basically gets the last word.
I should have gone Jen's route and told him to fuck right off.
My phone has rang a couple of times with a blocked number, and I wonder.
Maybe I'll let Jen talk to him if he calls again.

Next - the cyber chatters from hell.

1 comment:

  1. oh, i've had one of those!!! first conversation, very interesting and challenging... gave him my number, suggested we get together for a coffee... he calls and invites me to the movies (should have known better than to say yes!!) and then tries to grope me in the theatre.

    calls at all hours of the night for weeks afterwards... i'm polite but firm to start with. it ends with me screaming at him when he calls at 4am, and threaten to call the cops if he calls me again.


    better luck next time! i'm sure there are still some good ones out there....
