Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Date 1 - The fibber

One of the first people who contacted me on the free site I'm on was a guy with the screen name lonetone(I will not be changing screen names to protect the creepy) I may decide to not use their real names if it went any further than a "Hi, how you doin', sexxxy?

I looked at his profile and he seemed to fit the majority of my dating prerequisites, all except for one. Because I am almost 5'9" myself, I have a rule about dating men shorter than 6 feet tall.I know that may sound shallow, but it has less to do with the man than it does with me. It's also more than just aesthetics, but I would like to wear heels and not be taller than my date.

He looked like the kind of guy I might be attracted to,you know, the glasses, geeky crazy hair kind of guy, so I decided to start chatting with him.

We went through three or four emails where I noted he chose not to spell correctly or to capitalise any of the words that needed that move.

I tried to ignore the spelling and grammar nightmare, the text talk, and the incredible amount of time it took for him to type out an answer to an almost yes or no question I had asked him.

I was starting to count the red flags all over the place, but when we talked on the phone, he seemed like a nice guy, and his conversation almost made up for the other issues.

We agreed to meet in a public place that was nowhere near where either of us lived (which I thought was strange) but it is also safer to stay away from home.
I was sitting on the boardwalk waiting, and I saw what I thought was him was heading in my direction.

I stood up to greet him, and not only was he not 5'10" as he had put in his information, he was more like 5'7". His hair was thinning ( which truly is not an issue for me0 but it was another red flag. His hair was also graying quite rapidly, and I noted he was single handedly going to bring back the mullet.

I tried to keep my mind not only on the things we had found we had in common during our phone conversations, but even the talk we had whilst we walked the boardwalk was interesting and worth the decision to go grab a bite of fish and chips.
We sat down to eat, and suddenly he lost it.

He lost the only thing that was keeping me even remotely interested.

He stopped talking.

No more witty comments, no more interesting travel stories, no anything. I found myself holding up both sides of the conversation.

He began to get even more boring, and I was finding that mullet waaay too distracting.

I finished up my dinner quickly, said no to the dessert menu and paid my share of the tab. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

He walked me to my car where I gave him the ass out hug (he tried to sneak in a yucky kiss) and we made promises about more meetings (something neither of us meant), and I got in my car, waved, and drove away.


Here's what I don't get.

What happened? Did the semi witty guy I talked to on the phone simply run out of words?

And why would you put up a picture that was at least 5 years old, thereby lying about what you look like when you plan to meet the person?

It looks like I'm going to have to be more selective.


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